Spring weather can be fickle. When that sunny 60 degree day hits, you want to be ready to get out and start exploring! While you’re waiting for the weather to cooperate, why not spruce things up so you’re ready for those awesome spring and summer adventures in Gaylord, Michigan heading your way?

Now is the time to run through the gears on your bike and dust the cobwebs from your kayak if you haven’t already. But what about your less-frequently-used outdoor accessories and those little extras you just can’t go outside without? No one likes to give up even one second of a sunny day looking for something, so we’ve put together a blog to help you get your gear ready. Here are a few quick hints and items to pull out of storage:

Kayaking Accessories
Open water means it’s time to dunk your paddle! Cleaning up your kayak is a no-brainer, but now’s the time to make sure everything else is ready to hit the water. After inspecting your life preservers, take a few minutes to gather up waterproof bags, water shoes, a small cooler for snacks and tie-downs for travel. Even digging out your kayak cup holder ahead of time will make a sunny afternoon that much sweeter.

There are plenty of outdoor experts when it comes to roughing it in the wild. We are not them. Camping doesn’t have to be an extreme adventure. It can be as simple as driving up to a marked site, pitching your tent and roasting marshmallows over an open fire for the evening. Even for low-key, occasional campers, there are a few must-do’s before heading out – inspecting your tent seams for tears, applying a waterproofing spray, making sure you have all your stakes and poles and inflating your air mattress to check for leaks. And, of course, making sure you have enough marshmallows.

Pet Supplies
Who doesn’t love being All Outdoors with their four-legged friends? Purchase an inexpensive backpack and keep it loaded with everything you need for pawesome adventures. Of course, a stash of those little plastic baggies is a must when traveling with canine companions, but don’t forget a collapsible water dish, extra water, healthy treats for energy and even a simple pet first aid kit including tweezers, gauze, tape and small socks for paw incidents. Before hitting the dusty trail, make sure collars are secure and tags have the correct contact information.

The Little Things You Always Forget
And after these steps have been taken, you finally head out feeling confident and ready for action…but forget something minor that can make or break your day. Bug spray. Sunblock. Reusable water bottle. Band-Aids. These “little” things deserve their own category because they are, in fact, hugely important! Make a stash of your go-to items so you know right where to find them. Keep these essential extras together and you won’t be as likely to trek out without one.