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Privacy Policy

Last Updated: 5/23/2022

Gaylord Area Convention and Tourism Bureau (Gaylord CVB) is committed to protecting the privacy of our users. We believe these practices are crucial to the ongoing success of the Internet as a service and commercial medium. The following discloses our information gathering and usage practices.

For more information about the Cal. Civ. Code §1798.135: Do Not Sell My Info, please see our CCPA policy (California Consumers Protection Act.)


We collect your name and email directly from you when you subscribe to receive communications from Gaylord CVB. We also occasionally obtain information about you from verification services and commercial sources, such as email validation services, and postal address verification services if you provide that information to Gaylord CVB.


We use your information to provide you Gaylord CVB products and services, or respond to your inquiries.

We will send you occasional correspondence about the topics for which you expressed interest in when you signed up on the Gaylord CVB website.

We do not sell our customer or mailing lists to outside parties, including marketers.

Your Choices

You may change your email marketing delivery preferences at any time by filling out any name and email signup form located on the Gaylord CVB website and indicate what types of correspondence you wish to receive from Gaylord CVB.

You may unsubscribe entirely from Gaylord CVB services by clicking the unsubscribe link in any email that you have received from Gaylord CVB.

Your information will be retained in our systems until you explicitly request that we remove you from our system by clicking the unsubscribe link in any email that you have received from Gaylord CVB.


Gaylord CVB collects data from your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server and to analyze paths through our Web site. Your IP address is also used to gather broad demographic information about our audience which we use to improve our site; for example, how many international users do we have, how many users use a specific version of Internet Explorer, etc.

Gaylord CVB issues cookies to users when they come to our Web site to allow us to learn how many unique visitors we have, to aid in analyzing navigation paths through our site and to maintain login information during an order session. Cookie tracking identifies you by using a unique number. Personal information is not correlated with cookie information.


While Gaylord CVB has made every effort to ensure that the content of this site is accurate and up-to-date, the company makes no warranty as to the accuracy or timeliness of any information disseminated therein.

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